Kamal Aderibigbe, MD

Hip Pain

Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon located in Des Moines and Ankeny, IA

Hip Pain

Hip Pain services offered in Des Moines and Ankeny, IA

Hip pain can significantly affect your daily life, making it difficult to perform routine tasks and engage in physical activities. If you're experiencing hip pain, board-certified orthopedic surgeon Kamal Aderibigbe, MD, in Des Moines and Ankeny, Iowa, can help you find the relief you need. Hip pain can have various causes, including arthritis and osteonecrosis. Dr. Aderibigbe can diagnose your hip pain and recommend appropriate treatment options. Don't let hip pain hold you back from enjoying life. Call or schedule an appointment online with Dr. Aderibigbe today.

Hip Pain Q&A

What causes hip pain?

The hip is a complex ball-and-socket joint that connects the femur (thighbone) to the pelvis. It carries the weight of the upper body and allows leg movement. Many injuries and chronic conditions can cause hip pain in the joint or the structures that support it, including: 


Arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that can gradually damage the hip joint. The most common type, osteoarthritis, causes the flexible cartilage around the hip joint to break down, leading to pain, stiffness, and limited mobility.


The bursae lubricate and cushion the joints to allow comfortable movement. When the bursae that protect the hip joints become inflamed, they can cause pain and stiffness. Overuse and repetitive stress are the most common reasons inflammatory bursitis develops.


Fractures, or breaks, in the femur, can cause severe hip pain that limits movement in the lower body.

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia occurs when the head of the femur doesn’t fit into the pelvis properly. Over time, this condition — usually diagnosed during childhood — can cause hip dislocation. 


Osteonecrosis means tissue death. It develops in the hip when the blood vessels stop nourishing the femur, causing the bone to break down.

How is hip pain diagnosed?

Diagnosing hip pain involves a full physical exam, medical history review, and imaging scans, including X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT). Dr. Aderibigbe may also order lab work to investigate new or worsening symptoms.

How is hip pain treated?

Treating hip pain often requires a dynamic approach that includes nonsurgical and surgical interventions, such as:

Corticosteroid injections

Corticosteroid injections use anti-inflammatory medications and anesthetics to reduce swelling around the hip joint and numb pain.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy combines exercises, stretches, massages, and other nonsurgical therapies to relieve pain and strengthen the structures that support your hip.


Surgery is often necessary to repair permanent damage to the hip joint. Dr. Aderibigbe performs multiple approaches, including partial and total hip replacement, direct anterior hip replacement surgery, and hip resurfacing.


Call Kamal Aderibigbe, MD, or schedule an appointment online to find relief from hip pain today.