Kamal Aderibigbe, MD

Fracture Care

Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon located in Des Moines and Ankeny, IA

Fracture Care

Fracture Care services offered in Des Moines and Ankeny, IA

Ignoring fractures can lead to serious complications such as chronic pain, disability, and even long-term immobility. Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Kamal Aderibigbe, MD, in Des Moines and Ankeny, Iowa, understands the importance of prompt and effective fracture care to prevent such pain and long-term damage. Call the office closest to you today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about fracture care.

Fracture Care Q&A

What is fracture care?

Fracture care refers to treatments and interventions to repair broken bones. How Dr. Aderibigbe manages your fracture depends on its severity and type of break. Common types of fractures include:

Closed fractures

A closed fracture occurs beneath the skin. It doesn’t penetrate the outer layer of the skin, so you won’t see blood or tearing. While closed fractures don’t pierce the skin, they can cause internal tissue damage.

Open fractures

Open fractures puncture the skin, which can cause bleeding and severe pain. The bone may break through the skin, or the impact of the injury may cause it to tear. Open fractures require immediate care to repair the damage and prevent complications.

Stable fractures

Stable fractures occur when the bone breaks, but each piece still lines up with the rest. While minor compared to other types of fractures, a stable break requires prompt care to prevent bone deformities.

Stress fractures

Stress fractures are small bone cracks that develop over time due to repetitive movements. They can be challenging to identify, even on an X-ray, and require comprehensive orthopedic care to prevent further damage.

How do I know if I need fracture care?

Fracture care is essential if you suffer physical trauma from a fall or direct impact. Telltale signs you need prompt fracture care include:


  • Pain
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Limited range of motion
  • Inability to bear weight
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Visible deformity


Dr. Aderibigbe provides expert care for all types of fractures. He conducts a head-to-toe physical exam and reviews your family and medical history to diagnose your specific type. He also performs an X-ray and other imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and bone scans, to assess the damage.

What are the different types of fracture care?

Dr. Aderibigbe provides individualized care for fractures. Depending on the type of fracture you have and the extent of damage to your surrounding tissues, he may recommend:


  • Immobilization (bracing, casting, splinting)
  • Closed reduction (bone manipulated back into position)
  • Open reduction (bone repositioned with screws or rods)
  • Physical therapy
  • Pain management medications


Fractures can be severe injuries that require prompt and effective care to ensure proper healing and prevent long-term complications. Call Kamal Aderibigbe, MD, or schedule an appointment online to receive comprehensive fracture care tailored to your needs.